About Surface of the Sun

About Surface of the Sun

Surface of the Sun is my debut album! It released on June 20, 2024, coinciding with the Summer Solstice! It is a geek rock concept album about a group of astronauts who, in the near future, are tasked with reigniting the dying Sun to save Humanity!


  1. 1. Fahrenheit
  2. 2. The Truth Hurts
  3. 3. It's a Cold, Dark Universe
  4. 4. Bunkertown
  5. 5. Last Stop on the Milky Way
  6. 6. Firedefender
  7. 7. Critical System Error
  8. 8. I Am The Sun



They say no matter how bad your day may go
The Sun will always come out tomorrow
But what if I said that that wasn't true
Our star will never rise for me or you

Call me crazy
But when the sky starts to get hazy
You might feel a chill run down your spine
A sign that we are running out of

What are we to do when
Day is night

Scientists analyzed the rays
Finding that photons went their separate ways
Now I have no idea what all that means
I just hope we aren't blown to smithereens

But on the bright side
At least sunscreen need not be applied
So if you see the UV rays
Tell them that they've seen better days

With fahrenheit
What are we to do when
Day is night

The National Weather Service has issued a freeze advisory for the contiguous United States, effective immediately
For unexplained reasons, the temperature has dropped to dangerous levels

What are we to do when
Day is night

Do not go outside
For risk of frostbite and hyptohermia

The Truth Hurts

911, what's your emergency

They'll wash your brain
With their starry stain
They'll crash a jet
And say "Never forget"

They'll hide UFOs
And lace GMOs
So hide your DNA
From the USA

They'll film the "Moon"
All the children'll swoon
Over CGI
Concealing the lie

They'll poison your water
Indoctrinate your daughter
Feed you propaganda
And send you to FEMA

The truth hurts, America
The Land of MKultra
Where the White House
Teaches lies
Under freedom's guise

The truth hurts, America
Land of the 51st Area
Where President JFK
Was shot by the CIA

They'll give you the Jab
Microchips in a lab
Crisis actors'll act
And we'll take it as fact

They'll taint the clouds
To control the crowds
Install recorders
And start World Orders

Then they'll say the Sun's dead
Though the books we've read have said
It'll be a least a billion years
Before it disappears

The truth hurts, America
The Land of MKultra
Where the White House teaches lies
Under freedom's guise

The truth hurts, America
The land of MKultra
Where President JFK
Was shot by the CIA

"Well I'm not a crook, I've earned everything I've got"
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"They're trying to rig this election"

The truth hurts, America
The Land of MKultra
Where the White House teaches lies
Under freedom's guise

The truth hurts, America
The land of MKultra
Where President JFK
Was shot by the CIA

It's a Cold, Dark Universe

There is a where that I'm sure you've heard of
A stair past the staircase above
Its name is space, it's a pretty cool place, though
Slightly less than absolute zero

Well the human race did a race to that place
And they landed on Mr. Moon's face
But years have passed, now we've got a cold case
So to save the world,
Into it we've been hurled

But it's a cold, dark universe
And studies show it's getting worse
We could cry, but all our tears would freeze
At 2.7 kelvin degrees

Yeah it's a cold, dark universe
Yet one we're destined to traverse
So put on a space suit, star-crossed
And be prepared to brave the frost

Flew by Venus clouded in acid rain
The home of John Coltrane
Some say there's life in the fog or the dust
But we checked, and our crew wasn't sus

Well, maybe, we're really alone out here
Should that be a comfort or a fear
Fermi was right, I think we'll be alright
But man, it's such a lonely sight

But it's a cold, dark universe
And studies show it's getting worse
We could cry, but all our tears would freeze
It's 2.7 kelvin degrees

Yeah it's a cold, dark universe
Yet one we're destined to traverse
So put on a space suit, star-crossed
And be prepared to brave the frost

Mercury, Mercury, in a hurry
Tell Mother to not worry
We'll run some tests, then we'll be back
Sailing 'cross the Ocean Black

Though curiosity killed Félicette
And we've got no other choice than it
In these desperate times I choose fight and flight
'Cause our desperate measure's fahrenheit

'Cause it's a cold, dark universe
And studies show it's getting worse
We could cry, but all our tears would freeze
It's 2.7 kelvin degrees

Yeah it's a cold, dark universe
Yet one we're destined to traverse
So put on a space suit, star-crossed
And be prepared to brave the frost


Experts say the world's endin' soon
The doomsday clock has long passed noon
So what do we do when it all turns to poo?
Well I have the solution for you

Between Cali and Groom Valley
In a geologic alley beneath debris
There's a burrowed borough, population: zero
'Till it's the only shelter from this Cold War's snow

So come on down to Bunkertown
We're underground, but not in graves
So come on down to Bunkertown
It's a little cramped, but you'll be saved

Another night, another strike on the wall
Spent all of them watching earthworms crawl
But it's not so bad, at least we've not had
A bombing raid like Stalingrad

Yet the dusk is long, and the days are few
But when the windows shine a familiar hue
It ignites a hope deep within me
Otherwise known as Vitamin D

So come on down to Bunkertown
We're underground, but not in graves
So come on down to Bunkertown
It's a little cramped, but you'll be saved

Whether it's war
Or the death of the Sun

So come on down to Bunkertown
We're underground, but not in graves
So come on down to Bunkertown
It's a little cramped, but you'll be saved

You'll be saved

Last Stop on the Milky Way

All routes must have a Saint Monica
So welcome to the corona

A lighthouse in an ocean of black
But its lamp has started to crack

Well, my experience has found
There's plenty of lumens to go around

So let's fix it 'fore time runs away
'Cause it's the last stop on the Milky Way


Looks like I'm down on my luck
I don't drive a big red truck
I wear neither a helmet nor badge saying "fighter"
Which isn't a problem, but I lack a lighter

So what a shame
How do I spark a flame
To save our only Dame

Well, don't forget the strength of a wish
Which no one can extinguish
'Cause there's always a way to seize the day
Both literally and metaphorically

So here's the deal
I'm flint and you're the steel
And our fire will be real

I don't fight 'em, I light 'em
To make the world a little less dim
So when you see an ember
Remember I'm the Firedefender

I don't fight 'em, I light 'em
And the world's a little less dim
So when you see an ember
Remember I'm the Firedefender

We found kindling, tinder
Turned them into cinder
Added dry logs, doused 'em in butane
Now nothing can stop it, even rain

And oh, it burns
Consuming trees and ferns
But I have no concerns

Thus, I say "why roast a marshmallow
When you can cremate it like so"
Now replace "marshmallow" with "the Sun"
And the pointy stick with a flare gun

And that's the plan
Fire a fire cannon
In t-minus 10

I don't fight 'em, I light 'em
To make the world a little less dim
So when you see an ember
Remember I'm the Firedefender

I don't fight 'em, I light 'em
And the world's a little less dim
So when you see an ember
Remember I'm the Firedefender

Critical System Error

Critical system error
Fire detected in the engine compartment
Critical system-



I don't think that'll work out here
0g, the final frontier
I really don't wanna be that guy
But we're all about to die

So we don't have time to count to ten
Or slowly breathe in, 'cause the air's thin
But cool your jets, I've got a plan
It's called a system scan

Stop (scanning system)
Drop (scanning system)
Roll (scanning system)
Repeat (scanning system)

Stop (scanning system)
Drop (scanning system)
Roll (scanning system)
Repeat (scan complete)

The blaze is in Fuel Bay A
Lit by the sun, headin' our way
This beat's fire, the flames: hotter
If only this was Harry Potter

Then we could use Aguamenti
Still, there's no agua in this sea
But we could take some from the cooling tank
That's ironic, don't you think?



Houston, we don't have a problem
We have…problems





Critical system error
Critical system error
Critical system error

I Am The Sun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

Riding 'cross the sky, it begins to brighten
Just another day in the life of a Titan
Peasants wake up as I make the sun climb
Tending to their thyme as I tend to time

Now the air's filled with a chorus of groans
From Olympus to the Underworld, lazybones!
You might disagree when it's 6 am
But no one wants to live in a world of dim

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

From the highest peak to the lowest quarry
Every single ray contains a story
All revealed to I, the Eternal Eye
Every noble truth and dirty lie

So you'd do best to remember my name
In the summer flame and when winter's came
I can't shoot lightning from the air
But have you ever heard of solar flare?

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

Riding 'cross the sky, it begins to darken
Just another night in the life of a Titan
Peasants hit the hay as I make the sun fall
Tending to their dreams 'till the rooster's call

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun

I am the sun
I am the sun
I am the smoking gun
