A Quiet Day - Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
I also don't have a lot to say today. I think it's funny how I said that this week would be an exciting yet I have almost nothing to say about it. The wave of sadness that I was mentioning yesterday went away as I hoped. However I didn't feel happy (nor sad) today, just "there." School flew by. Though one funny thing that happened was the Unit 4 test in AP World History got rescheduled to tomorrow because the school wifi crashed!! After school, I went to my singing lesson, which went alright. On tonight's stream, I played a fun game from my childhood that I haven't played in ages: WarioWare D.I.Y.! I worked on covering Tally Hall's "Ruler of Everything" using the game's built-in music tool, but I only got about halfway done. I will have to continue the cover on Saturday. One thing that I've been both intentionally and unintentionally doing is shifting my channel's focus from popular games such as Minecraft and Mario to more obscure, relatively unpopular games such as The Blockheads, Block Bros., and now, WarioWare D.I.Y (though I don't plan to make WarioWare a regular series like the other two) Anyway, that's all for now. Adios noahsimcox.com!