
About Me & This Site

My name is (you guessed it) Noah Simcox, but I also go by various aliases on the internet such as Striker. I have many hobbies including music making, streaming, and programming! Thus, I felt a need to create a "home" for all of my projects, so they can all be connected to each other in a way. I hope you enjoy your time here!

News - 8/3/2024 7:19pm

Hello everyone! THIS SITE HAS STARTED TO BE PHASED OUT!!! After 243 wonderful days, noahsimcox.neocities.org is closing... But fear not! The amazing world of Noah Simcox websites will never close :)

I am launching a BRAND NEW site called simcox.rocks which will be the new home for all of my music content. It suprisingly didn't cost that much moeny, but it's a lot more technical to setup with DNS and nameservers and whatnot. But, it's finally nice to actually have my *own site* with its own name instead of using neocities. (no offense to them by the way, neocities has been great for getting me started in website development)

For now, this site will be the home for my other projects, such as my Youtube channel. However, I intend to eventually migrate them off of here too, so expect another news post in the coming months about that. As for this site, it will remain up (until it's probably deleted by Neocities for inactivity) since I have so many memories with it ;)

Anyway, bye for now, and see you over at Simcox.Rocks!!!
